HR Payroll Management Services in Kolkata

MegaTechVerse is the division of MegaTechVerseElectronics having specialization in SAP B1 implementation and Payroll management services in Kolkata, India. We manage all the Payroll processing requirements and offer easy to handle all salary process of the employees and file Income tax return & payroll compliance on time. We are a long runner on this track and have a long list of satisfied clients who implement our service and manage payroll service through easy pannel which customized by our expert. MegaTechVerse guarantees precision and timeliness at every stage of payroll processing.

Leave Payroll Worries to MegaTechVerse

We have an expert team having more than 10-years working experience in the same domain. We offer tailor-made payroll services with 100% flexibility to adapt them and function as per company requirement. The best part about our payroll services at MegaTechVerseis that you get a complete range of services to take care of all your Payroll Processing requirements and provide solutions which are simple to understand and implement. This includes everything from salary processes of employees, the filing of their income tax returns for employees, and even payroll compliance on time. So leave your payroll worries on us.

Feature of HR Payroll Management Services

  • Employee Registration..
  • Pay Head Configuration..
  • Deduction Head Configuration.
  • Leave/ Compensation.
  • Pay Calendar.
  • Pay Scale configuration.
  • Employee Hierarchy configuration.
  • Defining Person Category.
  • Pay Calculation Rule Bench configuration.
  • Pay Adjustment bench.
  • Defining Income Tax Calculation Rule Bench.
  • Online Leave Process & Approval in Portal

Number of Users : Unlimited.

Data Capacity : Unlimited Data Capacity

  • Appraisal Process.
  • Bonus calculation
  • Arrears calculation.
  • Department wise Pay Calculation/Costing.
  • Attendance Integration - for site users through Portal
  • Daily Attendance Auto-Integration from Biometric for Head Office People.
  • Consolidated Attendance posting in Payroll Systems.
  • Maintenance of Loans & Advances in portal.
  • Consolidated Loans & Advance posting in Payroll Systems..
  • Expense Booking in Portal.
  • Reports


Employee Registration:

  • General information: Name, Address, Date of Birth, Sex, Caste, Marital Status, Department, Designation etc.
  • Family Information: For information purpose & statutory purpose
  • Personnel information: Employee Personnel category (Officer / Staff / Sub-Staff / Workman etc), hierarchy (Grades E1 / E2 / E3 etc in officer, LD clerk / UD clerk etc in staffs etc).
  • Pay option: It may be a global pay based on Pay Scale or Individual option for the salary heads. This will be maintained by the system for pay calculation.
  • Payment Option: Salary may be disbursed by Cash, Cheque or Bank transfer. All the options may be used at a time.
  • Bank information: Employee Bank Acct no, Bank name, Other Bank related information may be maintained.
  • Statutory information: Statutory information of the employee ( ESI No., PF Regn. No.) will be maintained.
  • Qualification / Skill information: These profiles of an employee will be maintained for information and HRMS purpose.

Pay Head Configuration:

  • Salary head configuration: All required Pay heads & deduction heads prevalent in the organization will be maintained. The heads will be grouped for maintaining the calculation rules. This is dynamical in nature. Employee wise or Employee category wise calculation condition, eligibility, rule formulation may be maintained. Pay calculation is done based on these formulations.
  • Statutory deduction configuration: Based on the statutory requirement, Employee wise or Employee category wise calculation condition, eligibility, rule formulation will be maintained. Deductions will be done based on these formulations through a calculation rule bench.
  • Income Tax configuration: Income tax is calculated based on the prevailing Income Tax Act. It is based on the Tax calculation rules; Employees Savings as permitted by the Act, Gross pay which taxable as per the Act.
  • Tax is calculated & deducted in pro-rata basis on Yearly Salary (Actual up to date plus extrapolated salary for the remaining period of the year) considering eligibility and rules.
  • Provisional and Final declaration of eligible savings are defined with the maximum ceili

Loans & Advances:

  • Loan/Advance configuration: Different Loans / Advances applicable in the organisation will be maintained. A Loan/Advance may be interest bearing or without any interest charges.
  • An employee may have number of Loans/Advances running at a time.
  • Loan maintenance : Loans taken by an employee is maintained individually in ledger form.
  • New Loan: In case of a new loan, Loan master record is created. Principal & Interest amount debit for the first time in the Loan ledger after confirmation of loan.
  • Automatic Loan deduction: In periodical payroll processing, Loan instalments are deducted and the Loan ledger and interest realized up dated.
  • Cash refund of loan: An employee can refund the loan at a go by returning the balance loan amount and interest thereon.
  • Non deduction in a particular period: If require a loan deduction in a particular period may be stopped

D. Leave / Compensation:

  • Leave / Compensation: Different type of leaves may be defined in the system. A leave may be accumulated and carried forward in the next year or may be lapsed after a year.
  • Assignment of leave /compensation code: At the time of attendance entry a leave may be assigned or it may be maintained well in advance for sanction.
  • Booking of Overtime or extra working day: Any sort of compensation like overtime, extra shift work etc may be maintained in the system.

Pay Calendar : Payroll calendar/s is defined to obtain the Pay periods. Different calendars can be defined for different categories of employees.

1. Pay Scale : Category wise Pay Scale can be defined in the system. This scale will have a default annual increment amount. 2. In absence of any pay scale in the organisation, it will be maintained in individual employee level without any annual increment.

G. Employee Hierarchy:

i) Hierarchy Level: Hierarchy level of the employee in his category can be defined in the system.

ii) This will be used at the time of promotion or different MIS reports.

Person Category:

i) For differentiating between pay roll groups person category is maintained.

ii) iMapping of pay period, pay type (Hourly/Daily/Monthly), Pay Scale, Hierarchy is made through this category.

Pay Calculation Rule Bench:

i) A simple calculation rule writing bench is developed to calculate individual pay heads and deduction heads amount dynamically at the time of pay roll preparation.

Pay Adjustment bench: A simple pay adjustment bench is developed for any other deduction which cannot be mapped through calculation bench.

Income Tax Calculation Rule Bench : A Year to date (YTD) calculation functionality is developed to determine the Income Tax deductible for the year. The tax amount is deduction monthly in pro-rata basis.

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