SAP ERP for Leather Industry in India

We,MegaTechVerse based in kolkata, authorized partner of SAP provide, a highly advanced ERP software solution for leather industries in Eastern India including Kolkata, Odisha, Bihar and Jharkhand. In India leather industry has emerged as second largest producer in the world because there are millions of people engaged in this industry from all walks of life.

But in this current scenario leather industries are facing some challenges regarding strict environmental laws with the increasing demand of quality leather products at a very competitive price. MegaTechVerse SAP B1 is a comprehensive and total solution for the leather industry comprises enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Human Capital Management (HCM), Inventory Management (IM), and Cost Analytics.

Features of the Leather ERP Software

  • Efficient production and stock based planning
  • Controlling of the raw material inflow and production outflow
  • Rejected products detection
  • Generation and implementation of Bill Of Materials (BOM)
  • Access of all the order cost
  • Actual prototyping and quotations
  • Integration of sales order, stock transfer order, production order, purchase order.
  • Optimizes production by minimizing wastage and maximizing utilization of raw materials.
  • 360 view of entire business of entire business which enables you accurately forecast your business profit. And many more… contact us now to get a free demo of our software.

Still not sure about the implementation of SAP ERP B1???

If your leather business facing some of the issues mentioned below affecting your business performance then you must implement ERP software, which will work as a panacea for your business.

Let’s look at the points

  • Quality control of leather products
  • Calculation of total production cost
  • Access of the total information of goods vehicles
  • Vendor payments of all departments
  • Payroll management
  • Attendance of the labors factory wise
  • Actual data of consumption management system

Our SAP Business One Software Solutions For Industries

Connect For SAP ERP Solution

Now if you are looking for any ERP solution then request a demo to our support team or you may call for same.

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